Sunday, 26 August 2012

Training for networking for success

Part of the success of BNI is the training, that the members can attend, which helps them to become a better member and increase their skills in Networking, presentation, chapter development among other workshops and therefore able to give something more to the group. These trainings not only help business owners in their chapter but they also learn skills that they can use in their business too. The best thing about the trainings is that it's all included as part of the membership, where if you went on a course you could pay hundreds of pounds for these courses.

The first training Endeavour did together was Member success training which is a condensed training of the other trainings along with covering what BNI is all about, The philosophy, mission and polices. The training covers how to give a good 60 seconds presentation, how to find and give good referrals and what a good referral is and how to find and invite visitors to the chapter.

Personally I've been networking since 2005 and been to many other networking groups and the thing that sets BNI apart is it's training for members that helps them to 'give' to the group and it's philosophy 'Givers Gain'. At many other groups, members are left to network on their own and a lot of them just go to a meeting just looking to sell, this way of networking is just not sustainable as no business is being passed around, With BNI training and specifically the referral skills workshop, members are trained in techniques to easily find referrals for their fellow members, which means more business is being passed within the group and as the membership grows, it is found that the referrals grow exponentially.

At BNI Endeavour we're working to grow our group to 40+ members, which means we'll each have at least 39 other people looking for business for us on a weekly basis, if your business could use that size team helping you to grow your Hertford or Ware business then get in contact and come along to one of our meetings.

To your success 
Paul J

Thursday, 23 August 2012

1st official networking meeting for BNI Endeavour

After months of working to grow our BNI chapter and a very successful launch meeting last week, we finally had our first meeting this morning, we had 28 Hertford and Ware business owners in the room and as ever, it was full of energy. 

We had 5 visitors and a new member Simon Judd (Pictured left) from SJ creative - Simon is a graphic designer based in Hertford.  

Over the coming weeks and months we'll be looking for referrals for Simon to help him grow his business, if you need some graphic design work doing then get in contact with Simon through his website and why not follow him on twitter @sjcreative 

We also had our first 10 minute speaker Michael Rudd the groups IFA, from Berkshire Financial Advisers, Every week one of our members gets 10 minutes to present to the chapter to help them more understand their business and how to find them referrals. A member cannot present to the chapter until they have attended the Presentation Skills training workshop (another benefit of BNI). 
It must have been tough to be the  first speaker but Michael has set the bar rather high, he explained how he takes a holistic approach to financial advice to help his clients reach their financial goals through investment or helping people to get peace of mind for retirement. If you need financial advice then get in contact with Michael

We don't just get up at silly o'clock for meetings we also socialise with each other to build relationships and we're off to the Millstream tonight to celebrate our success in growing our group and passing business.

If you'd like to grow your business by word of mouth referrals and join our group get in contact with us for an invite to a meeting.

To your success

Thursday, 16 August 2012

5...4....3....2....Endeavour is go

BNI Endeavour has firmly set itself as the business networking group to be in, if you want to grow your business in the Hertford and Ware area.

If you don't then probably best to stay in bed! 

We met this morning at 0630 for the official launch of BNI Endeavour and  it's confirmed that Endeavour IS the fastest growing/ Launching Business Network International chapter in the Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire areas, so why wouldn't people want to come and join in, that's just what some smart business owners did today at our launch and we had over 50 Hertford and Ware business owners come together to meet and find out more about us and how we can help each other.

Todays event happened because of the current members focusing on growing the group over the last few weeks by inviting other businesses to come to our launch and find out how we help each other grow our businesses by word of mouth referrals.

Would you want a team of professional focused business owners helping you to grow your business and at the end of the day make more money? I certainly do and that's why I made the commitment to show up to a 0630 meeting every Thursday to help them in return, it's a win win way to get business.

If you think that you couldn't get to a business meeting for 0630 or make a commitment to show up every week then I have 2 sayings for you

Successful people do, what unsuccessful people won't do. and..

Opportunity is never lost, someone else will always take it.

None of what happened this morning would of happened without 2 great guys who helped us to keep on track and get to this point, and the Endeavour members thank them, Dayle Guy from CodeThirtyNine and Martin Brophy from Brophies The Caterers 

We're now on our journey to 40+ members and if you'd like to join us then you'd be welcome to come to our next meeting at the Roebuck Hotel, Ware and see just how we work. Give me a call on 07940 846 413.

To your success

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Growing our group, Growing business

We had a great meeting this morning, we spent the morning preparing for our launch next week, Last week we all sent out 40 letters, so over 800 in total. We counted up the yeses from the follow up calls we made for all the people who have said they will be coming to the meeting and it was a huge 42. 

We also have 42 people who have said they may come, so we'll be calling them next week to see if they will. On top of any other invite that will be made, I'd say we'll have well over 60 local Hertford and Ware business owners at the meeting on the 16th.

I expect after next weeks meeting we'll be up to 30 members, which will be great, it'll mean more people in the room which means more referrals being passed within the group, meaning we'll all be making more money and growing our businesses.

It's then just a short step to 35 and then 40 members, which we'll make by Christmas...

If you are a serious business owner in Hertford and Ware, why not come and meet us and see how we can work together, after all it's only going to cost you a couple hours one morning and £10 for the meeting and you'll get breakfast included and as much tea or coffee as you can drink...

See you soon,

PS. If you're just looking for a great local business like a plumber to an estate agent, electrician to a bookkeeper in Hertford or Ware check out the the members list on the right and give the member a call.

Friday, 3 August 2012

We're Launching for business

Since February 2012 we've been working hard to grow our new BNI (Business Networking International) group in Hertford and Ware, We've now grown to 22 members and are now launching the group on the 16th of August 2021, we meet at the Roebuck hotel in Ware every Thursday morning in order to help each other grow our businesses by word of mouth referral.

We have the goal of growing our group to 35+ members and passing over £1,000,000 worth of business in the room within 12 months. Yes that means on average as a member each seat is worth around £30,000, As a note we've already been passing business to each other and are well on our way in reaching this goal.

So, the 16th of August will be our official launch meeting and I'm really looking forward to it, we're going to have 50+ local business professionals in the room and it's going to be a meeting with a buzz, we've been busy inviting visitors to the meeting so I'd not be surprised if we beat the 50 visitors goal by a mile.

If you'd like to come along and meet us at our launch meeting and find out how we can help each other, give me a call on 07940 846 413 and I'll book you into the meeting.


PS. we're currently looking for a good Printer, Plasterer, Graphic designer, Photographer, Mechanic, Florist, Carpet fitter/sales among other categories.

PPS. We only allow one person from each industry, so get in quick because once a seat is taken it's too late.