The Hertford & Ware Networking group breaks 30 members
A couple weeks after our first anniversary of our business networking group in Hertford and Ware and we have broken through the 30 members mark and well on our way to the 40+ over the next few months.We know from the stats that when a BNI Networking group hits this mark referrals for the members as a whole go up, this is because it becomes easier to find those referral and recommend the members to others, which is good for everyone, more business is good right?
We're now pushing this with a visitors day planned soon which should see us get another 5+ members into the group very soon.
We've also now settled into our new venue at Wodson Park in Ware, which is light and airy and great for our morning meetings, there is also plenty of parking too! which sometimes we struggled with at our last venue, so will be good for our visitors day.
Come and meet our networking group members
So would you like to have nearly 40 other like minded business owners promoting your business to their contacts and customers? Would it help your business? Why not come and meet us, all it'll cost is £10 for the meeting and you'll get breakfast included, you'll get a chance to tell us about your business and the sort of customers or clients you're looking for!
What else are you going to do at 0630 on a Thursday morning?
Want to come along? If so give me a call on 07940 846 413
To your success