I started BNI back in November 2005 when I joined a BNI chapter in Enfield called Vision, I joined as the Electrician of the chapter, I then left the chapter when I was moving to Hertford and was involved in starting a core group (a starting BNI Chapter) this chapter never got to launch so I joined a Chapter in St Albans called Chariots, I left when my membership was up at the end of 2008.
BNI worked extremely well for my business as a way of getting new business and has been the best networking organisation for getting referrals to new business. I saw that BNI would work for my business from my very first meeting as a visitor, and made the decision that I would join halfway through the meeting.
I started my Utility Warehouse Discount Club Business at the end of 2008 and I then re joined a BNI group in 2009 that had an opening for my category, at the end of my membership I left BNI due to a change in circumstances.
When a friend told me that BNI Endeavour was launching in Hertford/ Ware I didn't even think twice about making sure I was at the first meeting in February 2012 and already knew that I was going to make an application to join the group.....It was really a no brainer. I've always enjoyed BNI meetings even though they start early, it makes a great start to the day and I've had more from BNI than just business referrals. The other benefits I've found include growing my business contacts, making new friends, increasing my business knowledge and I've found the meetings to be fun with a bit of banter too. A surprising thing I also found out was that I get a great buzz from finding and giving referrals to my fellow members and helping them to grow their businesses.
BNI Networking has been one of the best investments in my business marketing I've ever made and the Return on Investment has been tremendous value, I'd recommend it to all business owners to at least give it a go for a year.
I help people to save money on their household bills and for those that need or want an extra income stream I help them to make money on a part time basis.
To your success
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